Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Things to do on OpenSuse 12.2 LXDE

1) Update the system as always :)

2) Add a keyboard layout switcher to the panel and support for another layout (if needed) as described here, for example.

3) Okay, it's handy to have numLock on at system start-up on LXDE. Below is
How to turn numlock on at system startup LXDE:

As a superuser edit the file /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf
Find the line:


Uncomment it (remove the # sign) and change 0 to 1. Logout, login. Numlock should be on at system startup now.

4) Ok, I remember this bothered me about YaST since OpenSuse 11 - the package manager closes itself   after a package is installed. If you want to install another batch of packages after a 1st one, you need to relaunch the package manager. Here is how to prevent it from closing: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/SUSE%20Misc/yast-at-close-action.jpeg

5) One bad thing about LXDE on OpenSuse 12.2 - on my system if I click "logout", nothing happens, the system hangs up. Hopefully, this will get fixed.

6) You need a screenshot app (would you believe print screen launches some Paint like app to save the snapshot? It does!). I installed Shutter (I'd prefer to have a simpler one, though).

7) Can you believe you have no archiving tool on Opensuse 12.2 LXDE? At least a GUI one? Well, at the very least there was no working one. Installed xarchiver from some repo (packages.opensuse.org)

8) LibreOffice failed to start, returning this error when launched from terminal:

[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).
javaldx failed!

The solution is to change ownership to your user over the folder /home/username/.config:
su chown -vR username:users ~/.config

9) Installed MS fonts by using this package - fetchmsttfonts. It does what it says - fetches the fonts from a source outside the repos.

10) http://stray-notes.blogspot.com/2011/01/lxde-remap-keyboard-shortcuts.html - this post explains how to set keyboard shortcuts on LXDE. I would like to have ctrl+alt+T back for terminal, and ctrl+escape for a system monitor app.

After installing the MS fonts, the system fonts got ugly. Yes, it's now typical OpenSuse. The fonts in QT apps look too small (e.g. skype).

The good thing about OpenSuse 12.2 LXDE is that it features a customized sound control app (which is not present on a vanilla LXDE install) which works with the multimedia keys on the keyboard out of the box.


  1. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, I don't know. I got back to KDE. You might want to ask on the openSuSe forums or file a bug (if it's a bug and you reproduced it on your system as well).
